Chinese Herbal Medicine Therapy
Chinese herbal therapy involves the use of natural plants in raw or processed forms. Each herb has its own specific characteristics and particular medical use to treat diseases by rectifying any hyperactivity or hypoactivity of yin and yang, and to help restore the body to its normal physiological functions.
Chinese herbal therapy must be given by qualified TCM practitioners. The practitioner conducts a diagnostic interview, which includes asking questions relating to your health problems, taking your pulse and examining your tongue, before making a prescription.
Herbs come in different forms:
The form of herbs can be liked pills, tablets, capsules, oral liquids, ear candles, granules, creams, oils and lotions.
Loose herbs – roots, leavers or fruits etc. which are decocted (boiled up) to extract the pharmacologically active ingredients.
Powders – dried preparation of the decoction.
Traditional Chinese herbal medicine includes:
- Flowers
- Leaves
- Seeds
- Roots
Herbal medicine in Southsea
At Ever Health Medical Centre, we provide a range of traditional Chinese herbal medicines. Formed from entirely natural ingredients, our herbal medicines are designed to help strengthen your body’s natural defences.
Dr. Wang is a registered traditional Chinese Medical practitioner with over 20 years of experience. To help improve your health and well being, Dr. Wang will prescribe a variety of herbal medicines that are carefully designed for your individual requirements.
How is a herbal prescription constructed by a TCM practitioner?
Firstly the practitioner considers the patient’s overall symptoms, as well as the type and severity of illness and how and where it occurs. The patient’s sex, age, and general health are also noted. Then following guidelines from classical texts, the practitioner forms a basic prescription and then adjusts the mixture to the needs of the patient by adding or deleting various herbs, or manipulating the dosages of the compounds to fit the precise disharmony. However, if there are suitable patent herbal medicines for easy using, will be the first choose for patients.
Dr. Wang is a registered practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.
For a range of traditional Chinese herbal medicines
call us on
023 9200 4736
Does Chinese herbal medicine have any side effects?
Generally speaking, Chinese medicine is safe with few side effects. Occasionally, because the body has to readjust, there may be some minor side effects, such as loose stools, or diarrhoea, of which you will be informed beforehand.
It is illegal in the UK to use harmful ingredients in Chinese herbal medicine. To ensure that the herbal medicine prescribed for you is legal and safe, you should only see a qualified and registered TCM practitioner.
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023 9273 0799
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